Friday, September 29, 2017

Chiropractic Rehab and Neurology explains how Cave Creek stroke victims can speed up their recovery

Most doctors will tell you that there isn’t much that can be done to rehabilitate a victim of a stroke. Many will even say that “your life will never be the same.” It’s also true that many hospitals leave their patients with minimal recovery and then send them on their way... It doesn’t have to be like this, because there is something that can be done. Chiropractic Rehab and Neurology, a chiropractic center near Cave Creek Arizona, is here to tell you about an option you have to regain your old life.

Through a process called neuroplasticity, brain tissue can recover and repair itself, often times completely. Functional neurology allows us to pinpoint the specific areas of the brain that have been damaged, and speed up the recovery of those areas through industry-proven stimulation methods. The key to speeding this recovery up is to find out what tissue is damaged and then apply our knowledge of the nervous system and various specialized treatments to help assist in the recovery.

The main treatment used will be a process called brain-based therapy. Brain-based therapy is a specialized approach to stroke treatment and recovery and is used all over the world with great success. This treatment was created by chiropractic neurologists to assist in recovery as fast and efficiently as possible. Our treatments can help your brain create new pathways for the brain to process information. For you, this means:
  • Restoring motor functions
  • Mitigating pain
  • Increasing brain function
  • Decreasing sensory disturbances
  • Restoring speech
  • Restoring hearing
  • Restoring urinary and bowel control
And, through proper testing and diagnosis, it is possible for us to determine if a part of the brain is still responsive and if recovery is viable, so your time and money isn’t wasted. In addition to the above, we can suggest to you other things, like foods you can eat, vitamins that you can take, and exercises that you can do that help to increase brain function, restore movement freedom, reduce pain, and speed up your recovery.

While the diversity in strokes can be vast, and each patient’s experience can be different, we are confident that we can help you or your loved ones on the road to recovery and get you back on track with your life. It’s important to find a chiropractor that you can trust. That's why you should give Chiropractic Rehab and Neurology a call at 623-587-0277 or visit our website at to learn more and begin your recovery process.

More Information
Chiropractic Care in Cave Creek
Cave Creek Neurology
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