Thursday, October 12, 2017

Chiropractic Rehab and Neurology explains how Ultrasound Therapy can help Carefree back-pain sufferers

When you think chiropractic, you might think neck realignment and spinal correction, however chiropractors are much more varied and diversified than that. At Chiropractic Rehab and Neurology, we take a different approach to aches and pains. Today we’d like to talk about Ultrasound Therapy, a great way that, Anthem, Cave Creek, and Carefree AZ residents suffering for any kind of ache and pain, can become pain free once again.

Ultrasound therapy is a proven type of therapy that was introduced in the 1940s to soften muscle tissue. Shortly after, it was realized that ultrasound therapy can be used to therapeutically de-tense muscles and expand veins, leading to a whole host of healing and pain relief benefits that were not initially apparent. In the case of chiropractic care, the goal of ultrasound therapy is to speed the healing of a joint, muscle, or tendon by using a high frequency ultrasound.

Ultrasound treatment is known to have to have two beneficial effects. The first beneficial property of ultrasound therapy is that ultrasonic waves create mild heat, around 110 to 120*F. The thermal energy produced in this way can help reduce inflammation and de-tense muscles. The second beneficial property of ultrasound is best described as a “micro-massage”. By rapidly assessing and subsequently stimulating tissue, the body increases it’s ability to heal itself. Plus it feels pretty good as well.

Ultrasound therapy is beneficial to almost any patient: from car accident victims to suffers of chronic back pain, the beneficial properties of ultrasound therapy are seemingly endless. The main healing property of ultrasound therapy, the micro-massage described above, can be linked to various beneficial health effects including but not limited to:

  • Reduced Swelling
  • Increased Blood Flow
  • Decreased Pain
  • Decreased Stiffness
  • Decreased Muscle Spasms
  • Decreased Muscle Tension
  • Increased Movability
  • Increased Healing Properties

As you can see, ultrasound therapy has a whole host of benefits that almost anyone can benefit from, and it doesn't “fit” the stereotypical idea of what a chiropractor does. If ultrasound therapy sounds like something that you could benefit from, or if you’d like to know more about any aspect of chiropractic care, call Chiropractic Rehab and Neurology, your friendly North Phoenix chiropractor, for more information. We can be reached at 623-587-0277 or visit our website at

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