Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Local chiropractor in Tramonto, Chiropractic Rehab and Neurology, offers suggestions of how often should you get a chiropractic checkup?

Treat your spine right with regular chiropractic checkups at Chiropractic Rehab and Neurology in North Phoenix.
Isn’t it funny how when our car needs an oil change every 3000 miles we make sure we do it or that our 15 year roof gets checked at ten years. Some even have their carpet cleaned once every few months just to keep it in good condition. Yet we don’t do the same with the most important possession we have, our bodies. At Chiropractic Rehab and Neurology, your local chiropractic clinic in Tramonto, we would like to share how important it is to have regular chiropractic checkups.

Look at how the work habits in this country's have changed over the last 200 years. We went from working the plains of the old west, into factories producing some of the worlds finest products. Our bodies are in constant motion, walking, running, bending, lifting, reaching, our joints were constantly being lubricated as we moved. As more and more jobs shift overseas and robots are now doing the heavy lifting, more and more workers are moving into offices, sitting and not moving nearly as much so our joints suffer because they are not being lubricating.

Getting a chiropractic checkup is important now more than ever before. At Chiropractic Rehab and Neurology we ask that the first thing you  do is get a thorough spinal exam by a professional chiropractor. We want to measure your spinal range of motion, your spinal functional ability and your individual spinal segments for restrictions and tenderness. We can tell a lot by reviewing this information.
So how often or when should you see your chiropractor? A lot depends on how much degeneration, decay and lack of proper motion a care plan will be created specifically for you. Once you and your chiropractor establish as much proper motion in your spine as possible, a minimum of once a month is a great way to ensure that decay and scar tissue is not building up in your spine.

At Chiropractic Rehab and Neurology your health is important to us. It would be great for you to stop by and get to know us before you really need us. That way we will have a headstart on getting you back to good health. Please give us a call so we can set up an appointment for you at 623-587-0277 or visit our website

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